strides through NYC, creating chaos, havoc, still more chaos, and not to mention an occasional broken fire hydrant.
Batman - "Ah. I have just the protocol for this, you simply
-- "
Imperiex backhands Batman across the city, where he crashes (midair)
into Martian Man-hunter, Wonder Woman and Kyle Rayner, the Green Lantern. The four of them crash right through the Empire
State building and into the harbor. Not to worry, Plastic Man turns himself into a large rubber ducky and paddles out
to retrieve them.
Superman - "Okay Imperiex, you may have destroyed a whole bunch
of other worlds but you blew it when you decided to pick on --"
WHAP - Superman
is punched into orbit.
Aquaman - "Glad I'm MIA!"
Plastic Man - "Can anybody stand up to the unstoppable power of
The mob flees in terror. Terry is trampled by the mob,
then sits up --
"I'm okay!"
Imperiex finishes the job with one two ton foot step and a large
SPLAT noise.
Terry (muffled) "I'm not okay..."
Imperiex looks at the carnage and laughs his non-smiling no-sense-of-humor
He spots something with his special Imperiex goggles. One
boy. In the rubble. Dancing merrily away.
Imperiex - "Cower before me, mortal! I come to lay waste
to your world!"
The boy, rather over weight, continues dancing blissfully in
the dusty air.
Imperiex - "Kneel before the might of Imperiex, the destroyer of
worlds! (no relation to Galactus. ~TM Marvel Entertainment Inc., All Rights Reserved.~ No sir.
Galactus EATS worlds. Big difference.)"
The boy dances his gorilla dance like no one is watching.
Imperiex raises his finger to interrupt, but the boy dances on.
Imperiex - "Oh to heck with it."
The titan from the war planet suddenly begins dancing the odd
gorilla dance himself.
The blissful dancing fat kid produces a peculiar wand.
Imperiex - "What's that little fella? A baton?"
Blissful opens his eyes just long enough to aim the BOOM TUBE -- and with a crackle of energy that hasn't looked as good since Jack Kirby's era
Imperiex is teleported back to the Big Bang and handily disposed
The crowds of grateful New Yorkers step out onto the street to
thank him.
But the lad does not say
"You're welcome."
He does not stop his special dance to answer any questions.
The crowd watches
him in silent awe, as he dances that odd dance down the boulevard and out of sight.
"Who was that kid?" the crowd mumbles. "Does anybody know
From the impression of Imperiex's footprint Terry pulls his dusty
face out of the ground --
"...I've seen him somewhere before..."
He was many blocks away by now.
The dancing kid did not need the crowd to cheer him.
He did not need to be acknowledged.
He had all that he needed, his youth, his fat, and his unique
gorilla dance.
And he was blissful.
Oh, so blissful.