If you are submitting a short story or fan-fic, send it in the body
of an email or as a plain text attachment, no larger than 20kb. PLEASE make sure it is spell checked and a studious
attempt at proper grammar has been completed.
Artwork, if possible, is to be posted elsewhere on the web and the
link emailed to the editor. If this is not possible, please attach a small version of the piece (no larger than 30kb)
in jpeg or gif format to an email.
Movie, music, book, or magazine reviews submitted must follow the
same guidelines for short stories and fan-fic.
Any content deemed inappropriate for "all ages" may be displayed
with a disclaimer or warning or may not be displayed at all, pending a complete review.
Please specify what category, if any, your contribution fits into,
or where you would like to see it placed on ARTISTIC VISIONZ.
All submissions will be reviewed as soon as possible and may be added
to the website immediately following approval.
Any contribution submitted retains personal copyright and ownership of
the creator and may be published elsewhere. If you would like to request that a contribution be withdrawn or taken down
from the site, please contact the editor.
Submitting any piece of artwork, or any written piece (fan-fic, short
story, review, etc) signifies that you release your submission for publication on the ARTISTIC VISIONZ website.