What is it about the genre of Superheroes that attracts fans and
admirers? It has been said that comic books are likened to recreating myth of long ago using modernized characters. Some comics,
like Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel directly link to such things, utilizing mythology as a basis, or in the least, a contributing
factor, albeit a major one.
Comic Books, and the Heroes and Villains contained therein, often
times seek to deliver a most basic story: "Good Versus Evil." A timeless idea that as long as there are people who commit
evil acts, there will always be a counterpoint. There will arise those with an ability to fight that evil, whether their abilities
are as simple as a common man utilizing practiced skills, or be it as fantastic as god-like strength, speed and agility, or
amazing powers that nearly defy explanation.
Over the years as comic books have been created, the public has been
treated to innumerable heroes and villains with uncounted and varying sets of powers and skills with which to dazzle our imaginations.
The stories and settings shown to us have been similarly diverse. Some are alien and unnatural, fantastic landscapes and backdrops
that are unlike anything we have ever seen. Some take place in cities and towns, neighborhoods and alleyways that we are so
familiar with. But they all reel us in like a fish on a hook because they feed our imaginations and allow us to escape into
times, places, and events that are new and exciting and unlike anything we have ever actually experienced.
Sure, movies and television, plays and musicals all provide similar
offerings. For some, reading the book will always be better than watching the movie. And in that vein, Comic Books, almost
a mesh of the two, will always appeal to people of all ages.
It has been said that comic books are designed for the adolescent
male. That due to the maturation process a boy goes through, he relates well to Heroes in Comic Books. It has been said that
some men, the ones who still buy comic books well into their golden years, are those "who never grow up." But let it be said
here, if nowhere else, that Comic Books and their fantasy world appeal to many the world over, regardless of gender, age,
or religion.
Young people who enjoy comics are told to "grow up" and stop reading
such things. Older people who read them are viewed as immature or childish, labeled "comic book geeks" and other such generalizations.
While I am not one to say that such instances of human nature are impossible, I will say that they are the exception and not
the rule.
Many people of all ages, races, genders, and so forth enjoy the fantasy
escape provided by Comic Books, as well as a host of other forms of entertainment, and most are well-adjusted, mature individuals,
some of whom are quite intelligent. And like anything else in this world, there are always "bad apples that spoil the bunch,"
but one should not be fooled into thinking that one person of note is an equal representative of such groups or interests.
But for all its detractions, the genre of Comic Books and Superheores
remains a force in the ranks of fictional literature.
That said, the issue of who likes Comic Books should no longer be
an issue. What one should focus on are the heroes depicted therein and the exploits thereof. There are many comic books written
today that cover the scope of imagination. From ordinary citizens who face extraordinary circumstances, to beings with extraordinary
powers who face ordinary situations, and anything and everything in-between. Superman, Batman, The X-Men, Spiderman These
are but a scant few of the heroes we have been shown.